Shaleta guides the strategy and vision of Vizient’s industry-leading Supplier Diversity Program, enabling members to champion inclusion in their supply chains and accelerate economic growth in local communities. She works with executive leaders and suppliers to lead development of new offerings and implementation of strategic initiatives that empower quality and cost-competitive minority-, women-, LGBT-, disabled-person- and veteran-owned businesses while delivering significant member value and satisfaction.
Media: Journal of Healthcare Contracting – 2022
Vizient Newsroom: For Vizient VP, Supplier Diversity is a Full-Circle Journey – 2023
Cristina guides the strategy of Vizient's Environmental Sustainability Program while accelerating Vizient's leadership in sustainability practices across healthcare. She is responsible for collaborating across a wide set of functions to employ solutions and insights to reduce negative human and environmental health impacts while empowering smart, sustainable and resilient choices.
As Senior Principal, Margaret directs strategic planning, category management and consulting for the Indirect Spend team at Vizient, specifically around outsourced services and self op programs. She is responsible for ensuring the team delivers significant value and operational improvement for these services. Margaret also has oversight of both the Food and Environmental Services Member Councils and co-leads Vizient’s Supply Chain Strategic Council.
Media: Repertoire, Modern Healthcare - 2023, Healthcare Purchasing News - 2022, The Journal of Healthcare Contracting - 2022
Vizient Newsroom: Whether in Business or Team Building, Vizient Senior Vice President is the Real Deal - 2023
Molly leads a team that advances the strategic alignment of spend management services with health system and supplier strategies through all areas of non-labor expense across the entire healthcare supply chain. Her team develops and executes programs with a focus on sustainability, supply assurance, price assurance and insights/intelligence.
Vizient Newsroom: In Supply Assurance and Price Assurance, Visibility and Collaboration Prove Invaluable - 2023