Hospital Demand for Amoxicillin Increases While Shortage Continues: New data from Vizient showed a 43% surge in demand for all amoxicillin products in the acute care setting from September to October, and a significant 345% spike in demand in October 2022 versus October 2019. However, fill rates (the percentage of hospital orders that can be fulfilled by suppliers) dropped by 25%, according to data from Vizient members, which encompass more than 60% of the country’s healthcare organizations. Formulary Watch
Vizient Joins Biden Administration Pledge to Decarbonize Healthcare Sector, Make Facilities Resilient to Climate Change: Vizient has formally committed to pursuing the Biden administration’s climate goal of reducing emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and has already begun to formalize its environmental strategy. Vizient newsroom
Vizient Shares Recommendations to Help Improve Efficiency and Equity in CMS Programs: To increase access to care, Vizient suggested CMS improve variable payer prior authorization processes along with other plan-mandated policies, such as white bagging, that disrupt patient care. Vizient also recommended CMS finalize the Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) designation to expand access to care in rural communities and encouraged the agency to support providers seeking to provide more robust language access services and culturally competent care. Vizient newsroom
Nurse Turnover Doubles Since the Pandemic and Half Report Feelings of Burnout, According to New Report from Vizient, Vaya Workforce: Employment data spanning April 2019 through June 2022 from the Vizient Operational Data Base (ODB), which contains data from 650 healthcare facilities representing over 164,000 nurses, show a 20% increase in nurse overtime hours. The ODB also shows overtime doubling during that same period from approximately 4% to 8% for licensed nursing staff. Vizient newsroom
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